Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Fashion Chanel Essay Example for Free

The counterfeit Chanel EssayWhat are the 5 primary types of consumer and market data countenanced in the case you would consider if you were Dana bicycler? Discuss precise result elements (not a summary of the exhibits). As Dana Wheeler, I would consider the following flipper primary types of consumer and market data 1. C fit Ratings Both Advertising and Affiliate revenue pull up stakes view upon these as the usability of a transport to the cable company and advertisers depend upon the amount of viewers a impart has. 2.Annual Demographic Survey Provides key data to focus on 18-34 year female iewers. This interview group would be the prime focus as their viewership allow attract the advertisers and entrust have them get the largest CPM. 3. Advertising Revenue Model Advertising revenue is the largest source of income for the business which could go mountain by 10% if there was no change in the cable strategy. 4. Competition fread-only memory other Networks This data allows the channel to find what is close to desirable amongst the viewers thats attracting them to the other channels. . Attitudinal Research Findings Cluster segmentational Data leave alone provide an insight nto different viewer populations as to what to focus in order to market effectively livery in high CPM. 2. Consider 3 primary options presented. Discuss the pros and cons of each Broad Multi ingredient come out This includes targeting viewers from all the age ranges including Fashionistas, Planners Shoppers and Situationalists by investing in marketing and advertising campaign as well as programing.PROS This prelude will lead to approximately 20 % increase in viewership as it will be targeting a broad range of viewers increasing their awareness and liking towards the channel. Also, it will not require an additional programing expense as compared to the other approaches and will deliver or so $40 M more in terms of wage income as compared to the base income of 2007. CONS Ad gross revenue forecasted a decrease by 10% in CPM if the on-going trend continues. Broad Multi Segment approach still does not present with a different category of viewers to maintain $2. 0 CPM, instead, it brings it down to $1. 80, which is the same 10% decrease. Since this approach does not target specific audience, TFC will still run chthonic risk of competitors as CNN and lifetime penetrating their premium segments. Fashionistas segment Approach This includes targeting Fashionistas which are strong in highly valued 18-34 year old female group. PROS Since this approach mainly targets 18-34 year old females, it will lead to a higher CPM of about $3. 50 from base $2. 00 which will generate a net income of about $century M more as compared to the base income.Also, it will help TFC to compete with Lifetime which mainly targets females ranging from 18-34 years. CONS The amount of viewers targeted in this approach is mere 15 % of all viewers which will decrease the channels ratings from period 1. % to 0. 8%. Also, it will cost an additional programming cost of $1 5 M to the channel. Also, targeting one specific audience will not create much awareness or liking of the channel in other viewer groups and they might likewise lose their doglike viewers. Fashionistas and Planners/ shoppers segment approach This will include programming targeted to Planners/ Shoppers and Fashionista segments.PROS This scenario will yield approximately $115 M more in net income as compared to the base income of 2007 due to an they will also be able to compete with other channels and attract their viewers. CONS This approach is the most expensive approach with a come up incremental cost of $20 M. Also this change in programming might cause the channel to lose their loyal viewers and might result in declining viewership 3. If you were Dana Wheeler, what solution would you recommend and why? As Dana Wheeler, I would suggest approach 3 i. e. Fashionistas and Planner/shoppers s egment approach, due to the following reasons 1.The Broad Multi Segment Approach would lead to an increase in ratings from 1. 0% to 1. 2% but as it is not targeted to specific audience, here is a high risk of losing that rating to the competitors. Also, the amount of net profit made would be least in this case i. e. about $40 M yielding a profit beach of 29% which will be a mere 10% more than base profit for the current year. 2. The Fashionista Segment Approach would attract the highest desirable audience population i. e. females ranging 18-34 years thereby steer the channel to increase the CPM from $2. 00 to $3. 50.The amount net profit made in this case would be about $100 M more, yielding a profit margin of 37% which will be a material 18% more han the base profit. This approach leads to a decline in the ratings from 1. 0% to 0. 8%, as it targets only 15% of the audience population. Also, it requires an additional expense of 15 million and a risk of losing current the loyal cl ients if the channel becomes too targeted on Just one kind of audience. 3. The Fashionistas and Planners/Shoppers Segment Approach seems most favorable as despite the $20 M programming cost, this approach targets 50% of its audience which will enhance viewer ratings from 1. % to 1. 2 % as it will enable the channel to attract audience rom competitor channels as well. This approach is not too drastic but will also cover the desirable viewer range of 18-34 year females, yielding a CPM increase from 2. 0% to 2. 5%. As a result, this approach would yield a net profit of $1 15M more leading to a profit margin of 39%, which is 20% more than the base profit.

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