Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Critical analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical analysis paper - Essay mannikinl innovations, which save been made to enhance chats such as use of Skype, cell phones, internet, line of products television and text messaging, guide isolated the young generation from the adults instead of bringing them closer. He believes that communication technology has highly confused the young adults. Throughout his book, Bauerlein argues that technology has stupefied the young people, who be utilise these devices to learn pop culture instead of searching important information on civil values, bill and philosophy.Bauerlein develops the alarming trends, which the American youths have adopted because of technology. For instance, he uses statistics to show the increased levels of college and high school dropout cases, which have increased because of communication technology. Additionally, he explains that the levels of illiteracy have risen, with young adults disregarding traditional values and association. Bauerlein explains tha t these trends have been caused by advancements in technology, which have seen the introduction of the digital era. He, however, blames mentors and educators, whom he claims to be advocates of technology to be the straits facilitators of the changes that are experienced among the young adults. He claims that teachers have betrayed the young generation because they do not accentuate the significance of traditional values and knowledge. Blame also, the teachers, professors who will not insist on the value of knowledge and tradition, who will not judge cultural novelties by the high standards set by the past (Bauerlein 65). Bauerlein tries to explain how teachers have facilitated to societal failures by bringing up undisciplined learners. He argues that the form of education that teachers are offering and the teaching of digital media in schools is not sufficient to sustain the future of the young adults because it opposes traditional values.Additionally, Bauerlein claims that most e ducators encourage learners to establish their

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