Friday, April 19, 2019

Foodmaster company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foodmaster friendship - Case Study ExampleAt present, the company has 4factories, 16retail branches and two dairy farm farms across the country. Moreover, the FoodMaster factories have the capacity to process more than 100 tons of dairy products daily at present.Initially, the company was interested in the manufacturing of yoghurt alone however the company is currently manufacturing many early(a) dairy products such as Kefir (a healthy dairy drunkenness), Lapped Milk BIO-C Immun+ (a sweet vanilla flavored or crop jam lapped milk), dolce Yoghurt Drink (a gentle creamy drinking yoghurt made from milk of the highest quality, with large cantles of natural juicy fruit), Lactel Milk with Vitamin D (a milk RANGE with vitamin D) and Nenny Yogurt Drink (a drink made from the milk of the highest quality with a wide range of fruit supplements). Arethe yogurt, the sour cream, the home curd, Dolce yogurts and Bio-C Immune+ curdled milk are extremely habitual among the people of Kazakhstan ( FoodMaster, N.d.). The company has the habit of modify and diversifying its product ranges every year, based on the changing trends among the consumers. It should be noted that consumers are always give ear out for new tastes and flavors. FoodMaster Company knows this fact very well and has developed more than 100 popular dairy products as of now. Some of the major landmarks of FoodMaster Companys history are given below. integrity of the major success factors of FoodMaster Company is its commitments to the corporate social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainable development. The companys vision is to provide dairy products with natural ingredients to the people of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that many other expectant dairy companies in other parts of the world are using artificial ingredients to stretch the feeling of dairy products as much as possible. The company is giving more importance to the health and pencil eraser of the people rather than the profi tability

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