Friday, July 26, 2019

Women Organizations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women Organizations - Term Paper Example They have gird up their loins to fight back and find success. They are no longer the victims. Women have gained courage for fighting for their rights, their dignity, identity, freedom and several other factors. And the world has realized that the weaker sex is succeeding, amid the worst crises. Women organizations that fight for women rights uphold the cause of women who are negatively privileged. Organizations supply those valuable intangible tools that encourage women to support themselves and boldly fight for their rights. Women organizations that address women issues help women rebuild their communities and secure their futures. In the United States we can find innumerable women organizations that cry for women’s rights in different spheres of life. Such organizations also exist outside the United States. Almost all countries have organizations that serve as wings for women. These organizations uplift women and make them fight off oppression, violence and poor health. In t he United States Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is one such organization that strives to uphold the rights of women. The organization attempts to advance the civil rights of women. They have been leading the legal fight for equality of women for more than thirty years. Since 1974, the organization is fighting to gain equal rights and opportunities for women. They attempt to protect and uphold the economic opportunities for females through advocacy and litigation. The litigation initiatives of the organization have helped women achieve the rights to equal opportunity. Passing the legislation will not cannot ensure that women get their rights. Cases should be brought to make sure that rights carried in the legislation are practically enforced. Litigation takes to greater protection of rights under the law. It is a true wake up call for the legislators. United States Equal Rights Advocates is a leader among the women rights associations. The organization aims to establish a world where w omen from all walks of life get good educational and economic opportunities. Women are expected to get equal representation in management and leadership positions. The organization aims women to have employment and workplace equality. The organization strives for women rights so that they are equally treated in private, public and nonprofit sectors. ERA envision a work environment where women are not segregated or oppressed. Equal Rights Advocates attempts to eliminate all illegal discriminatory practices that block the advancement opportunities of women. Equal Rights Advocates demand equal compensation for women. Women are also expected to access all types of occupations. According to Equal Rights Advocates women should get respectful and safe treatment in all spheres of life. The organization wants employers to give women a favorable work environment where women never encounter a harassment or segregation. Work environment must also comply with the safety laws and health rules. Eq ual Rights Advocates say that women should be assisted to gain a proper balance and work life and family life. Equal Rights Advocates demands sufficient family and medical leave for women. Pregnancy protection laws, paid family leave and paid medical leave are also demanded for. The organization keeps a toll-free Advice and counseling phone number so that people get the needed legal information. People can call them for legal information and help. Equal Rights Advocates strives to expand the educational and economic opportunities of women. The organization is a protector of women rights. The organization upholds the rights of negatively privilege women. According to the Executive Director of

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