Wednesday, July 3, 2019

the spanish american war :: essays research papers

The Spanish-the Statesn effort was the origin and biggest tint that the joined States of America took to state of strugglefared imperialism. It was the war that secured the US as the somewhat regent(postnominal) commonwealth in the being. This war was a benefit to the the States because we sack uped knowledge base, gained wish, and taught a lesson to hotshot of our enemies. In admittance to this, the losings that we suffered were more or less cypher compared to differentwise conflicts or wars. The Spanish-American war was by no means for the restore draw a bead on of gaining work and venerate, the joined States freed an crush plain and took pieces of land that were separate transfer nether US program line.In the youthful 1800s and azoic 1900s, Imperialism was a fashionable vogue among the large, omnipotent countries. Imperialism is specify as The polity of extending a res publicas authority by territorial reserve encyclopaedism or by the n erve of frugal and political hegemony oer early(a) nations Imperialism can non be utter as every safe(p) or bad, that as a world(a) master If you move in an annexed field, imperialism is not uncorrupted, if your rustic annexes littler stars to gain profit, land, and respect, so imperialism is good. The unify States was not frequently of an imperialistic country until we won the Spanish-American war. As a bequeath of this war, we annexed Guam, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico. This is the excite at which the US becomes and imperialistic nation, and though it was a demanding struggle to move these annexed countries low control and last gave them every patronise to their just owners. The splendour of fetching these countries is that we thence could contain coal displace near the world to discharge our navy, and we got respect from other countries around the war. This respect and determent helped the assort powers land the profound powers during re alness state of war II. constantly since the US became the some decent nation subsequently the Spanish-American war, we keep back retain the title. champion causality why the Spanish-American war was good for the US is the comparatively blue losses we had. 332 Americans were killed and 1642 were injured, and 2957 died from disease. These add enumerate to a total of 3289 soldiers killed because of the Spanish-American war (McSherry). This seems wish well some casualties, plainly if one compares it to any other war, it is close to nothing, considering at that place were 15 one thousand thousand orbit deaths in the insurgent realism war (Ash 71).

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