Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

The main objective of this study is to clarify the impact of the over expressing protein p7. Cells used had completed the amitotic stage but not the cytokinesis. Since the protein was previously shown to bind GFP and myosin of Tetrahymena thermophila, it was immunostained with anti-myo1 to acquire immunofluoresence images. Macronucleous undergoes amitosis where the intramacronulcear microtubules form lines. It is common in MYO1 and in overexpression of GFP-tagged MYO1 that these lines don't work properly in macronuclear elongation which lead to unequal division of macronucleus. Although, there is co localization of GFP-p7 with antitubulin to intramacronuclear microtubules, it is not regulated enough. At the beginning of GFP-P7 over expression the cells are directed randomly on the intramacronuclear microtubules, they don’t form the parallel array since the macronuclei did not achieve full elongation. Then the macronuclear division in overexpressiong cells was either unequal o r inhibited. Introduction The experiment is based on Myo1 which has a MyTH4 and a FERM domain. Myo1 knockout strain affects both mitosis and amitosis which occurs in Tetrahymena in the same cell but different nuclei. Some micronucleus divide with spindles fibers while others divide without spindle fibers. The intramacronuclear microtubules shape array directed parallel to the axis of macronuclear elongation in amitosis (Williams & Williams, 1976). Macronuclear elongates along with the elongation intramacronuclear microtubules. The elongated macronucleus can enlarge the length of the cell borders through cytoplamic microtubules. Subnuclei are formed due to constriction of nucleus at its midpoint. Although these parallel arrays work as a spindle, nu... ...peron is a major factor that determine normal or abnormal functioning of the protein upon its formation even though other processes referred to as post translational modification plays a necessary process (Aufderhide, 1979). From the observation below, the GFP tagged p7 colocalize within the live cells. Production of an intense GFP means that the protein aggregated more to the cell body. This means that the protein has an increased potential for the cell membrane. Analysis of the cells was based on Leitz wetzlar epifluoresence using LAS as software that gave the images shown below. A protein has a feature like cyclin-like, binds to GFP and myosin of Tetrahymena Thermophila. This study also compliments previous studies that in fact the molecular mass is 7 kDa, which has the ability of processing cyclin-like protein can bind to Myo1 and GFP (Ejercito & Wolfe, 2003).

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