Sunday, September 8, 2019

John Updike A&P Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Updike A&P - Essay Example Within the play the role of Sammy has been on the sidelines of being a conformist. Inevitable to state here that this nineteen-year-old cashier at A&P does not believe in playing around with his point of view and focuses on what is the right thing. More than that, he is proud to say what he sees and then judge in the light of the same which definitely distinguishes him from the rest of the lot in our society. (Saldivar, 1997) He is a non-conformist to start with and he is one that is not really appreciated by the society norms and customs that are so very religiously followed in the present times. The writer has made Sammy the main character in the play whereby he has written of him from the first person’s perspective. This essentially has made his character look a bit highlighted and one that could be seen as the main one during the course of the whole saga. Add to that, the tone with which the writer has penned down the same has been certainly set by Sammy’s rigid and stern attitude which can be rightly remarked as being nonchalant as well as frank as Sammy does clear the air when a question is raised on his calling the things as he sees them and quite rightly so he comes out as clean as a whistle. His wits are a mode of cynicism and this is an added facet when one speaks highly of the frank and vivid attitude related with the young man. (Lewis, 2003) Add to that, he has turned out to be pretty crude at times during the story which meshes along quite nicely with his attitude and ways that he has so very easily been showing. Another aspect that gives evidence t o his non-conformist ways and attitude is that he loves to be taken as an adult by all and sundry and would really mind if someone, out of the blue, starts calling him like a kid as he is of the perception that he possesses wisdom par with no one and his thoughts and feelings have a deep embedded meaning that is not easily comprehensible by people of his age, let alone the ones

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