Monday, June 17, 2019

Ethics, Professionalism and Contemporary Issues Essay

Ethics, Professionalism and Contemporary Issues - Essay ExampleThroughout the design steps, there were minor considerations of the likely risks this game poses to the players, as far as gay trafficking is concerned. However, a concerned player of my online game, who is concerned with the human trafficking issue, raised his genuine concerns about my game predisposing the one-year-old players to human trafficking, after being lured into the real world meetings. The concerns of this player should not be neglected, but considered seriously. This is because, with the sophistication of engine room, human trafficking has taken advantage and flourished. As it is globally known, human trafficking is the illegal trade of people with the objective of selling them to forced labor, sexual slavery or tissue or organ extraction. Human trafficking is through with(predicate) with(p) through coercion, use of force, abduction, purchases or deception (Latonero 8). It has grown to be a lucrative bu siness for some people despite being illegal and inhumane. This implies that users of the meshing and other technologies ought to be cautious. How Technology has aided it Human trafficking is rampant especially through technology. Many people fall prey of this inhumane practice through coercion and deception, to submit their details and address lines over the internet. Thereafter, the traffickers lay a trap for the innocent internet users, abduct them, and trade them off (Latonero 10). The trends in information shit necessitated the adoption of technology in research and communication. Financial constraints amongst many people have also motivated them to embrace technology for solutions. Therefore, as researchers and students test for research and academic solutions, they also seek for business opportunities. With this trend in the use of technology, human traffickers have managed to lay traps through online adverts and fake employment opportunities, which have trapped many peop le, including children and adolescents. Most of the victims are traded for sexual slavery, where they are sold off as prostitutes. This explains why most victims have been women, both adults and adolescents. In this juvenile hi-tech society, technology has been the leading influencer and avenue for human trafficking (Latonero 11). How Technology hindered it However, contrary to the successful efforts by human traffickers, to build their business empires in this illegal trade, technology has also been instrumental in fighting this business. Since human trafficking became a global problem, security agencies have also come up strongly, to track and apprehend human traffickers. Most traffickers do their business online. Therefore, the security agencies have also setup traps online, to catch up with them. This has been aided by the internet protocol (IP) addresses, which allows the location of anyone utilize the internet globally. Technology has also allowed the tracing of the users of communication gadgets like mobile phones globally. Security agents can also intercept phone conversations of suspected traffickers. Of course, the traffickers have versed ways of escaping apprehension by using aliases and hiding the protocols. This has been the greatest setback in the efforts, to fight human trafficking through technology. However, still technology has made it well-situated for the security agents, to fight this illegal business. With improved technology, videos and photos can be taken via the satellite, which aid tracking of these criminals. Possible set of actions and analysis Following the threat from

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