Saturday, May 4, 2019

Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employee Relations - Essay ExampleThe Union dis concord with the companionships decision to use a different criteria of determining eligibility for promotion and directs instead of the one agreed upon during the collective bargaining agreement. The third unrighteousness was about a sexist exemplifyion by the association on its allocation of the viriditying lots. The gist argued that the plant workers were allocated the farthest lots from the entrance. 2. What sections of the Wagner Act are in question here? Explain In all the three grievances touched a number of Wegner act sections particularly with regard to the regulation of collective bargain agreement engagements. For example, section 8(a) 3 of the act prohibits employees against discriminatory acts such as assigning them less desirable conditions as was witnessed in the allocation of put slots in the company. The section also stipulates that matters of promotion or transfers should be solely based on seniority, merit a nd otherwise criteria of determining eligibility signed in the collective bargaining agreement (Budd, 234). In this regard the second grievance will also be handled using section 2 of the act. ... In my opinion, all the three grievances of the union against the company were genuine. In the first grievance, I would rule that the company breached the contract by making changes in the time schedules prior to a mutual agreement. In the second grievance, the company also violated the collective bargaining agreement by using different criteria of eligibility in giving a temporary transfer to a Janitor instead of Mr. Burn who best suitable according to the provisions of the collective bargain agreement. Finally, allocating park workers the farthest car park slots was also discriminatory since it ensured that the workers spent more time between the parking lot and their working stations and this reduced the amount of their monthly bonus. Case 2__ Does the Duty to Bargain preclude Unilater al Wage Increases? In the case study, Winn Dixie Stores Company effected unilateral changes in the remuneration of the workers arguing that there was no impasse during the negotiations (Budd, 260). On the other hand, the Unions position of contestation was that the Company violated the provisions of section 8(a) 5 and 8(a)1 of Wagner act which states that it is an partial labor practice for employers to hold out to bargain collectively with the employee representatives when making changes to the wage rates and other terms of employment. Questions 1. You are an administrative natural honor judge who has to decide on this case. Which party do you agree with and why? As an administrative law Judge presiding over the case, I would support the position of the employee Union that the companys action amounted to unfair labor practice as stated in section 8 of the

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